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We Are Here to Help You Grow Closer to God

Deacon Ministry

The Deacon ministry of Mount Sinai aids the pastor with the upkeep of the membership as well as the worship services on an as needed basis.


Deaconess Ministry

The Deaconess ministry of Mount Sinai aids the pastor with the upkeep of the membership as well as the worship services on an as needed basis.


Trustee Ministry 

The Trustee ministry of Mount Sinai is an essential component of our church it ensures that the church grounds are conducive for worship as well as ensure that we worship in a state of the art facility.


Women's League Ministry

The women of our church are not only ministered to in our corporate worship but they are ministered through the Women’s League ministry of our church. This ministry provides a time for dialogue and development with issues that are noteworthy to women. It is a time for bonding, prayer, and planning as well as a time to ensure that the women stay the course of the Lord.


Brotherhood Ministry

The men of our church are not only ministered to in our corporate worship but they are reached through the Brotherhood ministry of our church. This ministry provides a time for dialogue and development with issues that are noteworthy to men. It is a time for bonding, prayer, and planning as well as a time to ensure that men stay the course of the Lord.


Senior Saints Ministry

Often the seniors are looked over and considered to not be an asset to a church community. This is not so here at The Mount. We provide this ministry to minister to our seniors providing them with the necessities that may not be met in corporate worship. This ministry also continues to equip them as they maintain their walk with the Lord.


Single Saints Ministry

In our church’s effort to minister to the entire family we also provide a single’s ministry that provides Christ to this unique body of believers. Through social outlets and other resources singles are developed and meet their spiritual needs within this ministry. The ministry also equips single believers to minister to others who can also be called single.


Young Adults Ministry

The Young Adult ministry provides a environment for the young adult saints of our church to develop and strengthen their individual walk with Christ. This ministry establishes relationships with other believers within their age bracket and provides tools to minister within this vineyard.


Couples Ministry

Our church provides this ministry for the development and strengthening of the married couples of our ministry. These couples share the highs and not so high moments of their relationships while looking at Christian principles to employ in their relationships as they strive for success.


Girl Scouts Ministry

This is a social outlet for the adolescent girls in our church as well as within the surrounding community. This fosters development along with teamwork through the principles set forth by the Girls Scouts of America.


Bible Study Ministry

Our Bible Study ministry is the time where disciples are enriched through the insightful and inspiring teachings of our Pastor on the Word of God. As our bible coach our pastor guides us through topical, exegetical, Christian principles, daily life guides to aid in the disciple’s maneuver through this world. This time of study strengthens our Biblical knowledge and understanding of how we are to carry ourselves along our Christian journey.


Sunday School Ministry

Our church has a strong affinity for Christian Education. Therefore, Sunday mornings also features a time for Sunday school lessons to further shape and develop those in attendance of Christian topics and principles. This is an important time of study and Christian development.


New Disciple Orientation Ministry

As the Lord continues to add to our church as He sees fit. Our New Disciple Orientation Ministry ensures that these new members are oriented to Christianity as well as to being a Baptist. This is the information and formation time for new disciples.


Vacation Bible School Ministry

Vacation Bible School is a ministry that provides a week of bible education and training one week during the summer. This ministry taps into other ministry resources of our church to make this week a success.


Community and Political Awareness Ministry

Understanding that our members live in the world there has to be a social conscious within our ministry. It is through this ministry that the church remains informed about the community and political items that impacts them directly as well as indirectly.


Sports and Health Ministry

Our Sports and Health ministry provides a vehicle to make sure that our ministry is a physically healthy ministry to coincide with its spiritual health. This ministry works on the physical man through exercise and education.


Dance Ministry

Here at Mount Sinai we believe in holistic worship, this includes our heart, mind, body, and soul. Hence our dance ministry enables a venue to worship the Lord through dance.


Christian Drama Ministry

The Christian Drama Ministry of Mount Sinai, broadens the scope of our expressions of worship. During this ministry we are able to share God's message through theatrics.


Inreach and Outreach Ministry

In the Gospel, Jesus gives a parable of the Lost sheep. This parable motivates this ministry in the care and concern for those that are lost. The search, care and concern for the lost extend in house (for members that have not been active for some time) as well as outhouse (for those that are without salvation). This ministry focuses on outreach evangelism as well as creative means of reaching members to ensure a healthy relationship with the church.


Mission Ministry

The Mission Ministry sets a course to help those who are less fortunate than us. Through such programs as Adopt a hospital, Angel tree, Clothing initiative, and food drives to name a few, our church is able to show Christ’s preferential option for the poor and his love for all mankind.


Choir and Music Ministry

Our church, has a strong belief in the expression of worship through song. The Music ministry cultivates a melodious atmosphere that is conducive for praising God. Our Music ministry consists of the Youth, Senior, Santuary, and Mass choirs along with the Praise and Worship Team.


Usher Ministry

The Usher Ministry consists of our Senior ushers and Youth ushers. These two ministries combine to compose the Mass Ushers. These are the door keepers in the house of God aiding in the orderly worship within the sanctuary.


Pastor Assistance Ministry

The Apostle Paul teaches the church to share with those that communicate with us in the Gospel. Thus, the Pastor Assistance Ministry is the champion in care for our pastor.


Hospitality Ministry

Our church motto is: The Church with the Warm Welcome and the Warm Welcome is extended unto you. The Hospitality ministry aides in the extending of a Christ-like welcome to all those that enter into our sanctuary that the worship experience is an inviting one.

© 2018 by Mount Sinai Missionary Baptist Church

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