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The vision, as given by God, is that the Mount Sinai Missionary Baptist Church, Miami, Inc., be a Bible-based church where the Word of God is at our center and is the focus of our ministry. Also, that we exist for the purpose of God and aid in the global plan of salvation. Our church will work on the local level to impact every life that we encounter with the Messiah’s message to effect change. We aim at winning souls for Jesus Christ and to produce kingdom citizens through our witness. We must teach them to practice kingdom living through their walk in order that we may promote a kingdom lifestyle through our words that we may all praise God, the King of the Kingdom, through our worship.


This vision calls for us to be driven to position the church as the focal point of life. Therefore, our desire is to provide a comprehensive ministry that is all encompassing. All that we need is found in Christ. Therefore, it is our belief that all that you need should be found in the church (The Body of Christ and here at Mount Sinai). Ministries here at “The Mount,” serve to provide ministry to the membership as well as to our community. James wrote that, “Faith without works is dead.” Hence, members of our congregation, coupled with their faith, fulfill the will of God by participating in ministries, that avails them to share the joy of the Lord. As Christ ministered holistically, so, too, is our aspiration for ministry. Our ministry will be one that touches and teaches the young while tenderly caring for the not-so-young. Since we live in a diverse community, we will endeavor to provide a culturally diverse ministry.


As Christ was compassionate and heart-felt during His time here on earth, we, too, must set our sights on being heart-felt and compassionate in every aspect of ministry. Our motto, “The church with the warm welcome,” shall truly envelope the love that exists in our fellowship and we, the people, embody and exemplify this warmth. We will strive to extend this warmth through Christian love. The apex of our ministry shall be hinged on the passion of Christ, how he cared and gave. This motivates us, mobilizes us and manages us in ministry.

Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

- Proverbs 29:18

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